
Sam, a young boy trying to digest the absence of his father, The dysfunctional relationship of his mother and step father, And cruelties of growing up by turning to adventures with his best friend. A best friend that not all can see. A best friend not all believe. A Spaceman.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Evolution of the Spacesuit

The Spacesuit evolved through several designers and even more concepts, in the end I sat down with Devin Olsen. Devin is a very talented costume builder that I've worked with several times before. A week before we where to go into shooting Devin and I made a quick sketch of an idea I had and Devin made it real. With very, very low budget and very pressed for time Devin came up with a design and a way to build it that blew our minds. In the Film the suit is meant to look like one of Sam's toys, and when you put the two together its almost an exact replica. Thank you Devin!

Sketches and Renderings



Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Fastest Wrap in the Universe

Brave Like Leo

It's come to my attention that we have yet to praise the crap out of Korbin Lund, the star of our show.  Korbin is Jaron's cousin and right from the get go, while Spaceman was still in its pre-written stages, Jaron knew that Korbin was who he wanted for the part.  He fit the physical profile perfectly, and when he was offered the part he jumped at the opportunity. The only problem was that he'd never acted a day in his life.  Everyone involved during preproduction was worried about this.  Not all of us voiced our concerns, but it was definitely on everyone's mind.  All our fears were soon put to rest on the first day of shooting. Korbin was awesome; he took very little direction and its safe to say he pretty much nailed it.  As the week went on we found ourselves constantly asking each other "Where did this kid come from?!" He picked up on everything so quickly, and soon became the complete embodiment of Sam. His performance was so natural he even had all of us practically in tears more than once. Not to mention what a trooper he was, literally falling asleep mid haircut at one point. Korbin is the heart and soul of this show and believe me when I say that no one could have pulled it off but him!  Thank you so much Korb we could not have done it without you buddy!!